NO:HJ Deep Cleansing Bubble Mask: Review

Skin is a weird thing.  Life will be going along and things are looking good, then, wham!  You wake up one morning looking congested and with five new spots.  Yesterday was that morning for me and I decided it was time to give the NO:HJ Deep Cleansing Bubble Mask from my July Masktime box a go.  It retails for £3.50 and Masktime included the following description of it:

You can’t really tell from the photo but the packaging of this mask has a really cool holographic design. Designed to leave your skin feeling fresh and squeaky clean in just 10 minutes, this mask contains Daisy Flower extract to soothe skin whilst minimising the appearance of pores, whilst Camelia Flower extract and Tulipa Gesneriana extract work together to fight the signs of ageing and help to moisturize the skin from deep down. The mask starts to bubble when you apply it to the face which is really weird but fun at the same time!

It felt like it would be good for a deep clean.

I've used bubbling charcoal sheet masks before and this was in very much the same vein.  The fit on my face was alright, although the mouth whole could be slightly larger.  There was no way I could drink something without a straw whilst wearing this mask (am I the only one who thinks masking and wine go hand in hand?).  The feel of it on my face was much more luxurious than a typical sheet mask and it warmed to my skin quickly with the bubbling started immediately upon applying it.  The scent was almost grapefruity; some may find it overwhelming, but I rather enjoyed it.

With my hopes for wine and masking dashed, I decided to lay down and chill out for the ten minutes suggested on the back of the packet–suggested in both English and Korean.  The first five minutes or so were very relaxing.  Like I said, it didn't have that cold clamminess that some sheet masks have and I liked the scent.  Around five minutes in, I made the mistake of checking the time.

Some sheet masks have flaps that you can use to cover your eyelids whilst it's on; some do not.  The pattern I've been slow to pick up on is that the ones without flaps generally sting if the liquid gets into your eyes.  Can you see where I'm going with this?  I opened one eye to peek at the time and a bit of the bubbles from the mask got into it and stung like hell.  Closing my eye washed away enough of the liquid to soothe my eye for the remaining time, but there was no way to keep the mask on and have my eyes open.

When the timer went off, I peeled the mask off and reached for my towel to wipe the suds away from my eyes.  Into the bathroom I went and was surprised to see quite a lot of bubbles on my face.  I massaged them into a lovely lather, adding a bit more from the mask itself, before rinsing it all away.

The mask left my face feeling very refreshed and the nice scent lingered for the remainder of the evening.  I did need to apply moisturiser afterwards because there was a bit of tightness when my face was totally dry, but for this type of mask, that's not surprising.

On the whole, I liked it, but I have to dock points for just how much it stung.  For a product that is designed to go very close to one's eyes, there is no excuse for that.  Overall score: 5.5/10.


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