Was it a purge? Week 4 of 40% GA!

I did a five minute, 40% glycolic acid peel last night and woke up feeling pretty good about my skin.  There was a little bit of redness, but also a bit of glow, like something positive might actually be happening from these peels.

I'm currently writing the recent increase in acne off as a combination of acid peel purging and hormones (guess who started her period today!).  Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), like glycolic acid) chemically remove the top layers of skin.  If there are closed comedones lurking around underneath those top layers, AHAs can bring them up.  Some people even recommend using products like the Pixi Glow Tonic as a spot treatment for deep down acne that won't come to a head.  I think this might be what was happening with my weekly peels.  Everything hiding came up to say hello. 

Things are calming down now though and I'm happy that I'm sticking with the weekly peels.  I've got two more on weeks before I take a break.

I've been trialing the Lacura Charcoal Mud Mask and I'm in love.  Expect a review soon.


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